

audi, audi r8, sports car-5024614.jpg

Does Rental Car Insurance Pay in an Accident?

Car rental insurance is not mandatory for car renters to obtain in Louisiana. However, specific rules regarding the applicability of liability, coverage, and responsibility on bodily injuries and personal damages claims for car rentals are laid out in Louisiana Civil Code 22:1296. As a car renter, it is crucial to…
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medical treatment after an accident

Medical Treatment After an Accident

Although some of the injuries are obvious, there are also a lot of injuries that are not easily observed or physical in nature. Therefore, it is essential to seek medical attention after the accident and seek follow-up medical evaluation if new symptoms arise or your condition worsens even after your…
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Wrongful death

Wrongful Death Claims in Louisiana

Wrongful death claims are subject to strict requirements and can only be filed by specific survivors. Therefore, the guidance of a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer is valuable in ensuring that your loved one's legacy and the claim are valid as its filed with the court.
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